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The Tyranny Of Hindsight With Two Murals Aptly



When one hears of Martial Law, it conjures hellish nightmares of threatened submission and silenced deaths. To remember that reign of terror and the uprising of the First Quarter Storm during 1970, two murals were commissioned by Hiraya Gallery to be painted by Randalf Dilla, a Fine Arts Graduate  of FEATI (Far East Air Transport Incorporated) University.

The art exhibit is entitled Tyranny of Hindsight with two murals aptly titled Salvaged Memories (measuring 8 feet by 18.5 feet) and #WhatNow (measuring 8 feet by 17 feet). These murals encapsulate the endless tales of poverty, of leaders overtaken by greed and upholding laws that benefit them.

The art exhibit runs from Jan 15- 31 at the 2nd floor, Center Hallway (Our Home side), NorthWing, SM City Cebu. For more information please call 523-3331, email, and visit facebookpage/hirayagallery or website

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