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The Pokemon Go Fever



We cannot deny, everyone went too excited and got hyped when Pokemon Go was released.

Unique, interactive, and a “true to life like” game had been unveiled into the world and everyone wants to plunge in to the game as much as possible. Yes, Pokemon Go was an instant hit in its first release, but tensions came when different players experienced accidents just to catch certain pokemons in a specific place.

Very weird, I mean, what reason in the world would push you to catch a rock pokemon in a fly-over or in the middle of a road? To have an idea that you can catch rare water pokemons when you ride a boat and go in the middle of the sea?

I know everybody wants to be very competitive, and all bit into the hype of the game, but can’t they take it with precaution and common sense? One player attempted to catch something in the middle of the road that caused traffic, even some players dress like Ash, go out of their respective houses for a whole day just to catch a these pokemons.

Can we please play this game with common sense, precaution, and discipline? I know the game is not yet full blown and is not fully patched in the Philippines. But please, let us help each other here.

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