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The Hedgren Style Clinic: For the POWERful



Power is achieved, coveted and wanted. Who knew that this word would also be an acronym for perfecting social graces and achieving a smooth yet appealing body language?

hedgren clinic

The models at the Hedgren Style Clinic Seminar

At the recently concluded Hedgren Style Clinic Office Tour 2015 held at the Northwing, SM City Cebu, POWER became an acronym for Perfect Smile, Open Stance, Warm Body Language, Excellent Appearance, and Revamp the Workplace Outfit of the Day.

With the theme “Envision your best self,” Miss Abbygale Arenas De Leon, a beauty queen, model and certified image consultant, facilitated a 2-hour talk. Attendees were taught techniques like saying the letter ‘a’ when smiling, extending your arms backward and stretching your spine for 8 seconds to create better posture, lean in when being emphatic, and were educated on how different accessories partnered with the same clothes can make all the difference.

Indeed, the style clinic proved how valuable harnessing the power of image really is. In customer service, personal conversations, and public relations, effective communication and an individual’s projection of their image is key.

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The Style Ambassadors of the Hedgren Style Clinic

After the seminar, 8 fashionable volunteers from the audience were asked to walk the runway and were fortunately given prizes from Hedgren. Two of them were awarded with the prestigious title: Style Ambassador.

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