The Health Drawbacks of Jeepneys
Got a car? Drive to work. Got extra cash? Ride a taxi. Don’t have both? Well, you can always take the jeepney.
Jeepneys or PUJs (Public Utility Jeepneys) otherwise known as the “king of the road” is one of the most common forms of transportation here in the Philippines. While most of us including the working class and students take this form of transportation to save money, jeepneys aren’t really much for practicality especially when it comes to health.
What do you get with a street and open windows? A fresh breeze? Think again. You may like the feel of the wind in hair or on your clothes while riding jeepneys but this is absolutely the worst part–pollution hits you right in the face.
The air contains a lot of pollutants coming from car exhaust that can be harmful to you especially to your lungs. It contributes to a lot of respiratory diseases, lung cancer and can increase the risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. The people you ride with pose a threat to you too and vice versa.
(Image credit:
When the jeepney gets jam-packed, you run the risk of infecting or getting infected from diseases that can spread through direct skin to skin contact or through air droplets. So the next time the person next you coughs, cover up with a handkerchief and turn the other way around. When you see people with red bumps or sores, just don’t sit beside them and always wash your hands after riding a jeepney. You don’t want any of bacteria from the handle or from the money you passed to infect you.
Thirdly, there are these technical problems you have to deal with. Getting on or off the jeepney is a very delicate procedure. It takes effort to not fall off or stumble in and while this reflects on the attitude of the driver, we still need to take measures to prevent physical injuries. You certainly don’t want to get a gash on your knee as a souvenir from the jeepney.
While riding the jeepney is the most affordable means of reaching to your destination, be wary of probabilities that can have a take on your health.
Photo above: While riding the jeepney is the most affordable means of reaching to your destination, be wary of probabilities that can have a take on your health.(Image credit: