The Headquarterz Weekly Schedule
The Headquarterz, the rock bar that brought to us events such as The Great Golden Baby, Rock Around the Clock with the White Berries and The Difficult Stranger album launch proudly presents their line of events for this week.
May 14, 2015, Thursday will have the regular acoustic sessions at the bar. Previous performers for the event have included, Wakak, Nimrod and 3logy.
May 15, Friday will have the Camp Red Concert for a cause. CAMP RED BUSHCRAFT & SURVIVAL GUILD is a place for bushcraft & survival enthusiasts. The group does not replicate the same activities conducted by most outdoor clubs and are not mainstream. They focus more on skills and improvisation rather than relying on gears.
The organization does not adhere to the letter the 7 Principles of the Leave No Trace but will respect the spirit of its intention. It adopts its own standards/values with regards to our relations with the environment. CAMP RED is for the environment. CAMP RED is for charity.
May 16 , 2015 Saturday will have the SCTOT Anniversary Gig.
The Headquarterz is located at EZone Mabolo across Citi Park Hotel and besides Rainforest Park.