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The Game of Thrones Addiction



A lot of people have been addicted to HBO’s TV series “Game of Thrones” for a long while now.
The hype brought upon by the series has reached the international arena and its audience is adding up day by day.

Game of Thrones is inspired by the book of George R.R. Martin with the same name. At first, only “nerds” were hooked to the show. Now, its audience has expanded and there doesn’t seem to be a stereotype to who these people are anymore.

Here’s a few reasons why I think people are addicted to Game of Thrones.

1.The characters are awesome and complex.

True, the characters are so many that you sometime forget their names that you start saying “that crazy wildling that carries the Stark boy with broken legs”, but there are emotions attached to them because of their distinct personalities. What those emotions are definitely differ from person to person. You can’t consider one character as the “good” one or the “bad” one because those that you rooted for at the beginning may end up being a psycho as the series goes on. Or that person you love because he’s righteous you end up hating because he ended up being beheaded because of his righteousness (still can’t get over Eddard Stark’s death. Ugh). After which you start looking for another character you’ll root for because that one’s dead. Let’s say you’ll root for Arya because she’s alone now, but you’ll soon get annoyed with her character. Let’s just say their personalities are so complex that you’ll get a headache watching. You’ll love it!

2. The plot twists and turns are crazier than a drunk driver.

The plot is so complex that you can’t expect or guess what’s to come next (or who dies next).

The series operates in multiple settings, multiple people and multiple scenarios that if you blink, or miss a part of the dialogue you can get confused the time you look up. But because of its complexity, you get attached and you would definitely want to watch the next time. Some people even replay episodes in order to fully understand it.

3. The gore is real.

Well, not real, real. But it’s so gory that gore fans will love it (I said gore too much didn’t I). The series is definitely not for the faint of heart as it really displays throats being slashed, innards spilling out, eyes being gorged out and all that. There’s so much killing in the series that you start to wonder what’s the manner that they murder a character next.

4. The politics is relatable.

Game of thrones is basically the ins and outs of how the real world works (only with less gruesome killing). How the elite keep the poor at bay, how kings and queens control their people, how the people almost always hate their rulers, how slavery happens, traditions, the works. It tells us how the elite will do almost anything to stay in power. Power is power (yeah, Cersei I got you.)

5. Well.. there’s nudity.

Yepp. And lots of them. Expect nudity in every episode coming from both male and female characters. Not to mention their many love affairs, incest, and all types of cest.

Those are just a few of the reasons why Game of Thrones is awesome and people are hooked to it. Can’t wait for the next episode! (Btw, I don’t think Arya dies)

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