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The Code to Partying Safe



It’s easy to lose yourself in parties, from after-parties to music festivals to night raves. Dissolving into a mishmash crowd of people, of dancing, of drinks, of lively beats; you are given a time to drop everything and just enjoy. Who would not want that?

Oftentimes though, this enjoyment also ends with a missing wallet, damaged belongings, an unwelcome blackout, creepy encounters with strangers, some form of sexual harassment, or a minor accident, among others. To combat this, here is our smart four-point code to partying safe, based off material from government website Better Health Channel.

Plan your night out

Know where the party’s venue is going to be and know how to get there. Google Maps is your best friend in times like these. It is also vital that you have a plan (or two) to get home: bring enough money, share a taxi with friends, or have a designated buddy be the sober driver if you have a car.

Make smart decisions

For starters, eat well before leaving home; a full stomach slows alcohol absorption. At the party, drink in moderation or at least know your drinking limits and respect it. Once too tipsy, occupy your hands with water to avoid the temptation of drinking more alcohol. Speaking of drinks and other belongings, never leave them unattended too. Who knows whose hands it will get into? Ultimately, it is crucial to just trust your own judgment and watch yourself so as not to get carried away too much.

Get by with a little help from friends

Always go with friends when out partying, especially if it’s an unfamiliar or large event. Friends will look out for you, and you for them. You can even form buddy-buddy systems in case the crowd breaks your squad apart. In the case you end up losing consciousness after having too much to drink, your friends can help you out too. Naturally, if your buddies also need help you can be there for them.

Be sociable, but wary

Don’t go off with a person you just met no matter how nice they seem. Stay in that public space. If you like someone, pass them your phone number or social media handles instead. Also, never ever accept drinks from strangers; we all like freebies but in the case of parties, let’s be more cautious about this because there is almost always a catch.

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