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Teenage Black Girl Is New “Iron Man”



Tony Spark is giving up the Iron Man suit to 15-year-old African-Amerian Riri Williams.

Iron Man writer and Marvel veteran Brian Michael Bendis revealed that he sketched the character after he was devastated by Chicago’s high crime rate. Riri Williams will be illustrated by Stefano Caselli.

“And this story of this brilliant, young woman whose life was marred by tragedy that could have easily ended her life, just random street violence, and went off to college was very inspiring to me,” said Bendis.

Williams is a science wizard who enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at 15-years-old. Williams was already present in Invincible Iron Man #7. She will debut as the offical “Iron Man” in the upcoming comic series Invincible Iron Man #1.

Stark is said to retire at the end of Civil War II then he decides to find someone ahead of him. That is when he meets Williams.

The creation of Williams came after Bendis launched Miles Morales, a black, Hispanic Spider-Man.


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