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TechnoTour Amazing Adventure Challenge: Experiential Learning



A combination of Suroy-Suroy Sugbo and Amazing Race, the TechnoTour Amazing Adventure Challenge pilot event ran from June 15-18. Seven groups entered the race and experienced each tourist spots Southern to Western Cebu can offer. From the Vegetable Capital in Dalaguete, Mainit Springs in Malabuyoc, Aguinid Falls in Samboan, to every municipal hall and church plaza. This event’s tagline was ‘experiential tourism through technology’ which is aptly phrased since each group must download an app into their team leader’s tablet or smartphone to finish the tasks within the municipalities. The trivia questions or tasks they must finish focused on the municipality’s food, product, people, heritage, history or traditions. In short, each participant went through a 3-day crash course on the identity and history of each 23 municipalities.

bascones technotour

Bascones 2 team rearranging the first puzzle of the event.

The tasks consisted of selfies, egg-hunting, puzzles, 5-legged race, swimming and other activities that the Tourism Officer and Mayor of each municipality and the Cebu Business Month officers agreed upon. Francis Dy, Chairman of Cebu Business Month, partnered with every Local Government Unit and Municipality to create this 3-day extensive race. The SugboTriathlon, the group behind the triathlons and other adventure sports in Cebu, were the marshalls of the event.


The participants at Moalboal.

The race started at SM City Cebu at 7 am then proceeded through the multiple heritage sites within Parian. At Fort San Pedro, the last stop of the Parian route, each group convened and drove to Minglanilya to Dalaguete. On the second day, the race started at Alcoy and ended at Moalboal. The route circuited back to Cebu City from Alcantara on the last day. The awarding ceremony was held at the Hyper Roof Club.
The winning group of the race was the Blue Kwartz 1, followed respectively by Bascones 2, J Li Construction, Bascones 1, USC DOHM, Blue Kwartz 2, with Hamm Asia taking the last place.

The winning group of the race was the Blue Kwartz 1, followed respectively by Bascones 2, J Li Construction, Bascones 1, USC DOHM, Blue Kwartz 2, with Hamm Asia taking the last place.

blue kwartz

The Blue Kwartz 1 at the awarding ceremony.

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