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Sugbo Mercado: Reserve Your Own Tables



Good news Sugboanons! Anyone can now reserve tables and chairs for those hoping to celebrate their birthdays or special days at Sugbo Mercado. Prepaid coupons, tables and chairs, and a lot more can be accommodated by the Sugbo Mercado staff as long as they are informed a week before the celebration.

Michael Karlo, one of the co-founders of Sugbo Mercado, found out that there were groups of friends or individuals who would purposefully go to Sugbo Mercado to celebrate. Unfortunately, these individuals would sometimes wait for hours to find an empty table to sit in. In order to solve that problem, he proposed a reservation system and launched this idea the eve before his birthday on May 8.

“We’re not taking the Food Market experience away. It’s still food market but it’ll have prepaid stubs and basically a VIP pass to jump the lines and get served faster,” Michael said. So far, they are still working on the package deals, fees and the minimum amount of tables to rented. Initially, they proposed on having a minimum of 12 tables and a maximum of 24.

“We’re looking at making it available for smaller crowds but we’re still studying how we can make it accessible where it’s not that hard to keep the space (because) it’s also an open space.” He added.

To reserve tables and chairs, simply message your request at their facebook page at Sugbo Mercado.

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