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Spiritual Magma – The Solo Exhibition of Aditi Ahuja



Qube Gallery presents Spiritual Magma – The Solo Exhibition of Aditi Ahuja from October 22 6pm Thursday to November 14, 2015.

Qube Gallery unveils the last of the World-At-Large Series of exhibitions for year 2015. Indian contemporary artist Aditi Ahuja comes out with a solo exhibition entitled “Spiritual Magma,” a show that features a collection of paintings inspired from the natural connections between tangible and mystic characters she observes in her environment.

“Spiritual Magma: A World-At-Large Series” unifies varied aspects of life through simplistic analogy and a spiritual backdrop. Exhibit runs from October 22 Thursday at 6PM to November 22, 2015 in Qube Gallery in Crossroads, Banilad, Cebu City.

Join us as we launch a body of work that will leave us exploring the profundity in subtlety.

Qube Gallery is a premier art space in southern Philippines that initiates, creates, and showcases contemporary arts and ideas. It is an art gallery, exhibit space, insurance, art logistics, storage, space, documentation, authentication, marketing, sales. curatorial, advisory services, and publicity.

Qube Gallery is located at the Crossroads, Banilad, Cebu City.

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