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Serenitea Launches New, Declicious Products



As part of the celebration for their second anniversary, Serenitea launches its new drinks, snacks, chocolate and merchandise, and the annual Jumbo Cup Promo. A small but elegant, casual tea party was held on May 28, 2015 from 3:00-4:30PM at Serenitea, IT Park. The new interior for Serenitea was also launched on the day. The new products and merchandise will be available on June 8, 2015.

The new snacks, which were being served during the Tea Party were Squid Balls, Potato Rounds, Matcha Chocolate, Hokkaido Milk Chocolate, Milk Chocolate with Assam, Hokkaido Okinawa Candy, Shrimp Balls, Chicken Chomps, Hashbrowns, French Fries and Peppered Corn.

For the drinks, three drinks were released; Mango Matcha Slush, Mango Tango Slush and Mango Overload with Ice Cream. All of these drinks feature Cebu’s very own mango, and Miss Tara Merced, the Marketing Officer stated the reason why they added is just like how they sell durian drinks in the Serenitea branch located in Davao, they want their drinks to have a Cebu identity to it.

serenitea squid ball

All of the snacks mentioned above are currently being sold in the Serenitea branch located in Manila, and they decided to also start selling these snacks in the Cebu branch. The chicken chops and peppered corn were already being sold in the Cebu branch. The launching planning only took a month, quite short because it didn’t take them time to decide what new snacks to launch since these snacks were already being served in Manila.

serenitea snacks

Asides from the new snacks and new drinks, the interior also changed. The walls are painted with a new color and different textures. The wall is divided into different designs; two white walls that each have one framed artwork, two mini jars displayed and a top shelf that displays miniatures, one plastic-grass textured wall that features artworks with typography and pictures, and a smooth, wooden wall that features six framed artworks and a top shelf that displays miniatures, and the original green walls still remains in the corner. Where the brick-textured wall was before is now replaced by a white wall decorated with green lamps, white frames and yellow, blue, green and white handmade flowers. On the table lays classy-looking tea sets and white bird cages.

serenitea candies

People from media and bloggers who attended the tea party all gave positive feedbacks regarding the new drinks, snacks and chocolates. Surely because of it, people who will have a taste of the newest products on June 8, 2015 will hopefully come back for more.

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