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Sen. Marcos to Malacañang: Fulfill Vow of Justice, Assistance to SAF 44 Families



Sen. Ferdinand “Bongbong” R. Marcos, Jr. on Thursday pressed Malacanang to fulfill its promise to give justice to the 44 Special Action Force commandos killed in the Mamasapano massacre and to provide assistance to their families.

Speaking to Senate reporters at the weekly media forum “Kapihan sa Senado”, Marcos said he learned that five months since the fateful January 25 Mamasapano massacre, families of the so-called “Fallen 44” have yet to receive financial and other forms of assistance Malacanang promised to give them.

Marcos also noted that until now the Department of Justice has yet to file criminal charges against those involved in the Mamasapano massacre.

“It has been five months since the Mamasapano incident and until now all the things the President promised–that we will give the maximum amount possible, that we will bring justice to the SAF 44–none of that has been done,” Marcos said.

He pointed out that the families of the Fallen 44 never asked the government for any financial assistance but the President made such a promise to them. In fact, Marcos said the only thing the families of SAF 44 asked is justice.

“The Department of Justice earlier said around 90 individuals will face criminal charges. What happened to that?” said Marcos. The senator said he will write a formal letter to the DOJ to inquire on the progress of its investigation in the Mamasapano incident.

Marcos said that part of the effort to give justice to the SAF 44 should be to make former Philippine National Police Chief, Gen. Alan Purisima accountable.

However, Marcos noted that after Purisima served his 6-month suspension the Office of the Ombudsman imposed against him, the police officer is back in service as a 4-star general even if he is officially on leave of absence.

What is worse, Marcos said, “it seems Purisima’s return to service is hindering the appointment of a permanent PNP chief”.

“Why is this being allowed? When I asked the Palace to give justice to the SAF 44, what was the reply? Leave Purisima alone. Why should we leave him alone; why is he so special?” Marcos said.

“I cannot in good conscience just stand by and let the issue fade away. It should not fade away because this is unfinished,” he added.

Marcos said it simply boggles his mind why the Palace is giving Purisima special treatment when the President was reported to have said that Purisima lied to him about the Mamasapano operation and the police officer is currently facing allegations of plunder and improper practices as Chief PNP.

He pointed out that until now no charges of usurpation of authority has been filed against Purisima. He is clearly guilty of this offense when he insisted on taking part in the Mamasapano operation when he was already serving his suspension at that time.

“Why is the Palace coddling him? Why can we not make him answerable, why is he not answerable for these crimes that he has committed,” Marcos asked.

Marcos said he cannot give any satisfactory answer to the families of the SAF 44 when they inquire on the progress of their quest for justice to the slain policemen.

“That’s why I wanted to raise that point again. It is important that we keep at the top of our consciousness that there is still injustice hanging over the brave 44 and their families,” Marcos said.

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