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Sen. Bam Pushes for Heavier Penalties for Crimes vs. Journalists



Senator Bam Aquino strongly condemned the killing of a tabloid reporter in Bataan and joined the world in denouncing the massacre of 12 people, including 10 journalists, in Paris, France.

“We strongly condemn the rash of violence against media, both here and abroad. These senseless killings have no place in a civilized and humane society and must be stopped,” said Aquino.

Aquino was referring to murder of 10 journalists working for Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical weekly newspaper, and two police officers in Paris, France recently.

The two perpetrators behind the murder were killed after a standoff while a third suspect surrendered to authorities.

Last week, Abante tabloid reporter Nerlita “Nerlie” Ledesma was gunned down by a riding-in-tandem in Bataan.

Authorities have arrested a suspect — a gun-for-hire — and are currently determining the motive behind Ledesma’s killing.

“We must ensure that the perpetrator and the brains behind the killing of Ledesma will be punished for their crime,” the senator said.

The senator said his office is exploring pushing for legislation that will increase penalties for violent crime against journalist.

“Journalists will continue to suffer if we will not show resolve in putting an end to this impunity immediately,” the senator said.

Aquino also urged the creation of a special court that will hear only crimes against journalists to fast track the resolution of the case and the dispensation of justice.

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