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S. Leyte Author Weaves Story over Legendary Talent, Destiny in New Novel



Southern Leyte — Author Clayton Hamlin announces the nationwide release of his new romance, adventure novel, “The Prodigy.” Both paperback and hardback editions of his book will be released this week.

“The Prodigy” begins in the city of London, England, during the winter of 1665, when Christopher Clark, a young musical genius, is tragically orphaned and forced into the streets on his own. He somehow survives, and in the adventurous years ahead, travels far, learns much, and someday finds family, true love and his amazing musical talent that would become the stuff of legends.

In “The Prodigy,” readers will be enthralled with the captivating story of a talented young boy who inherits a supernatural manifestation that he does not understand; a beautiful young girl; and a powerful destiny that awaits them both as their lives interweave.

Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the books are available through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at, or by visiting or

Hamlin was born in Prescott, Arizona, but as a young child, his family relocated to Southern Indiana where he was raised. Growing up in rural Indiana, Hamlin was always fond of the outdoors, enjoying hiking, camping and fishing in his spare time. During Hamlin’s four years in the U.S. Air Force, and another four years in the U.S. Navy, Hamlin got a chance to travel and see much of the world. The author now resides with his wife, Grace, in their home by the sea in Southern Leyte, Philippines.

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