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Promise Keeper



Does God keep His promises?

[Joshua said,]“Soon I will die, going the way of all the earth. Deep in your hearts you know that every promise of the Lord your God has come true. Not a single one has failed!” Joshua 23:14

“[Solomon] prayed, “O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like you in all of heaven and earth. You keep your promises.” 1 Chronicles 6:14-15

God always keeps His promises. Joshua and King Solomon experienced this, and we can too. We can trust God to keep all of His promises to us. No matter what we’re going through, He is set to fulfill what He desires for us! It may be too late or too delayed for us, but let us remember that a thousand years to us may be a day for God. He knows best. He best knows the timing and when He’s going to give us what He has promised. Whether we’re waiting in patience or tempted to complain, let us hold our heads up high and set it on the true God, the Promise Keeper.

“Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep His promise,” Hebrews 10:23

“As for God, His way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection.” Psalm 18:30

Source: One Year Mini for Women devotional book

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