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Pres. Aquino Emphasizes Rule of Law in South China Sea Disputes



(Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar) President Benigno S. Aquino III on Thursday underscored the rule of law in resolving territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

President Aquino made the statement during his intervention at the 17th ASEAN-China Summit, held at the Myanmar International Convention Center here and attended by leaders of the 10 member states of the ASEAN and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang.

“Finally, we see an opportunity to maximize China’s role as a partner of ASEAN, one that can be realized if both parties can demonstrate to the rest of the world that they can jointly address security concerns in the region based on the rule of law,” the President said.

“The ASEAN has expressed concern over developments in the South China Sea. This is not only an issue between ASEAN and China; countries outside the region also have a legitimate and strategic interest in the South China Sea since a substantial percentage of world trade traverses this international body of water,” he said.

He said ASEAN member countries value practical cooperation and early harvest measures, including hotlines and search and rescue arrangements. “These activities, however, can only be meaningful if there are concrete positive developments on the waters of the South China Sea,” he said.

President Aquino also mentioned his “warm conversation” with President Xi Jinping two days ago at the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Beijing, saying that they agreed to work on improving Philippine-Chinese relations.

“I believe that relations can be improved without sacrificing our advocacies, including efforts to clarify maritime entitlements through arbitration,” he said in his intervention.

The President thus called for the implementation of the 2002 ASEAN-China Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and the early conclusion of a legally-binding Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea.

“This does not necessitate reinventing the wheel. We can source the elements of the proposed COC from existing norms and international conventions that promote good conduct at sea,” he said.

“These, among the many other initiatives we may undertake with China, will allow us to give rise to a region that is even more capable of pursuing greater progress and prosperity, one that adheres to the rule of law,” he added.

During his intervention, President Aquino recognized the efforts of the ASEAN and China to upgrade the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area, which will further deepen trade liberalization and advance ASEAN-China cooperation.

The Chief Executive also acknowledged the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. PND (co)

Source: PCOO

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