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Port Restaurant: Innovative at 17



Port Restaurant is at it again! Creating another mouthwatering dish and a quirky service concept, they’ve proven why they are the longest living buffet restaurant with 17 years under their belt.

The Roast Lamb with Mint Jelly, their newest creation, will be available during mid-July in time for their anniversary.

Executive Chef Nick Matias will be walking around the restaurant, trident in hand and serving their newest dish to curious guests. This interactive table side service was spearheaded by Chef Matias for a more personal touch. All comments, compliments, and questions will be directed to him. Quirky yet a charming concept, this will be a twist in the usual buffet setting.

During their mid-July 17th anniversary, great promos are expected. For a dinner for two, the second individual only needs to pay P17 as the restaurant’s way of rewarding their guests for supporting them all these years. A savory menu has been prepared for this momentous occasion. Dilis in Teriyaki sauce, Green Mango Salad, Seaweed Salad, Halaan Soup, Chicken Infused in Pandan Leaves, Kare-Kare, Sizzling Bangus in A la Pobre Sauce, Pork Humba with egg, Clams in Ginger Sauce, Cheesy Baked Oysters, Lechon Kawali, and many more mouthwatering dishes are to be served.

From an ala carte servicing restaurant showcasing seafood and shellfish in 1998 to the sought-after buffet it is now, Port Restaurant has never ceased to innovate.

The Port Restaurant is located at the Waterfront Hotel, Lahug, Cebu City. For inquiries or reservations please contact these numbers:
For Globe subscribers: 0917-707-7678
For Sun subscribers: 0932-873-1367
For landline: 032-231-7441

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