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PLDT Inaugurates New Cable System to Increase Int’l Data Speed Capacity



PLDT, Inc. inaugurated its new ‘Jupiter’ cable system that aims to increase the Philippines’ international data transfer capacity in Daet, Camarines Norte on Tuesday.

The new cable system is now also the fastest cable system that links the Philippines with the United States.

PLDT-Smart FVP and head of Enterprise Group Jojo Gendrano said in a statement on Tuesday that the Jupiter cable system “significantly advances” PLDT’s digital infrastructure.

Moreover, Gendrano added that the cable system also improves the “digital readiness” of the country.

“The Jupiter Cable system serves as an international highway for global data traffic to reach the Philippines. It is expected to exponentially boost the country’s international capacity to the USA and Japan, further encourage the global trade of digital services, and as a result, propelling the country’s digital economy,” Gendrano added.

The new cable system, which spans the length of the Pacific Ocean from North America going directly to Japan and to the new PLDT landing station in the Philippines is an addition to the telecommunication giant’s international cables, now 16 total, serving as the highway for data traffic going in and out of the Philippines.

Jupiter will increase PLDT’s international capacity from 20 Terabits per second to about 60 Terabits per second once the cable system becomes fully operational.

Jupiter is also the first international submarine cable system in the Philippines that uses an “open cable model,” Gendrano added. (GFB)

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