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Philippines4Jesus Cebu at Waterfront Hotel



The world we live in today is not what it was 20 years ago. Many global events — the 9/11 terror attacks, the spread of Ebola and other diseases, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and the recent American recession among others and the recent terror attacks in Paris- have greatly shaped life as we know it. These circumstances have also affected the way we respond to life.

Even on a local scale here in the Philippines, we see and feel the ripple effects of these worldwide incidents making significant changes to the way we live and react to what goes on around us.

On top of that, we have our own national issues to deal with like the pervasiveness of corruption in our government, the peace and order situation in Mindanao and the dispersion of many Filipinos abroad in search for better opportunities.

Life on earth, when viewed through the lens of global and local events, seems to have become unpleasant and often uncertain. This viewpoint has led many to face life with negativity and often respond in fear.

The Philippines4Jesus Cebu crusade, sponsored by Dr. Bob Rodgers, intends to bring a message of hope, healing and salvation in the midst of these conflicted and uncertain times. Cebuanos from all walks of life are invited to the Pacific Grand Ballroom of the Waterfront Hotel and Casino in Lahug, on Nov. 19, 20 and 21.

Dr. Rodgers will be speaking about God’s plan for our lives and how we can thrive in the world we live in today, giving Cebu a better way to view and deal with life circumstances.

Philippines4Jesus Cebu is a free event for all. Nightly meetings start at 7pm.

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