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Perfecting Pet Health



Balance is an important part of leading a healthy fulfilled life and it’s just as important for our pets. To help make nutritious choices on behalf of our pets, here are some tips from celebrity dog trainer Harrison Forbes.

Enjoy First Class Fuel

Diet is a major factor in a healthy lifestyle for pets and humans. Like you, your pet should eat nutritious ingredients from all of the essential food groups. Options like President’s Choice Nutrition First incorporate high-quality proteins as the main ingredient, along with wholesome grains, fruits, vegetables, pre- and probiotics, and omega-3 and 6 fatty acids to nourish your pet’s body.

Get Physical

Pet behaviour problems can sometimes be rooted in frustration. Like people, dogs can get bored and anxious when they are under-exercised. Being a good pet parent means finding time to play with your dog. Whether focused on mental stimulation (for example, using “smart toys”) or physical exercise (like a walk in the park), interactive activities are crucial for a healthy, well-behaved pup.

Educate Early

When it comes to pet parenting, education is essential – for both of you. To effectively train your dog, you need to invest time in understanding his genetic history so you can design a program that takes advantage of his natural instincts. As your pup learns good conduct, don’t forget to recognize and reward his progress. Treats can be a nutritious way to reinforce and reward behaviour, help him enjoy the training experience, and fuel his body.

Seek Out Puppy Pals

Taking your dog out on the town is key to teaching him how to interact with other people and animals. Just like human babies, dogs needs time to learn what they can and cannot do around others, and exposing them to other pets is a great way to help them establish relationships and learn to enjoy spending time with furry friends. Plus, having a dog on your arm is a great way to meet like-minded friends.

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