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Outdoor Photography Tips Using Your Smartphone



You don’t need an expensive camera with multiple functions to take a great photo. Check out these simple tips and tricks to take the perfect outdoor photograph on your smartphone.

Find the right lighting. To take the best photo, use natural light whenever possible. The right amount of sunlight can make facial expressions more cheerful, environments more inviting and food look more delicious. However, don’t shoot subjects in direct sunlight – this creates a silhouette effect. Your pictures will look better if you shoot people using sidelight, where texture and depth can be captured. And when the lighting isn’t optimal, the LG G4 with its f/1.8 lens provides a solution through Manual Mode where you can adjust your ISO and Shutter Speed settings to capture the optimal light.

Take a gorgeous landscape photo. For a dramatic landscape photo, consider your foreground, background and be creative with your angles. Position your subject in the foreground to create depth and create a three-dimensional feel. If you have a bright subject in your foreground, choose a darker, more subdued backdrop. Look for phones that can manually adjust focus on objects closer or farther away.

Don’t forget to take a selfie. No trip outdoors would be complete without a selfie. Professional photographers warn against using the front-facing camera because of poor quality. Luckily new smartphone technology has you covered. Devices like the LG G4 have incredible camera capabilities, including an industry-leading 8MP front camera with a soft light feature. The screen illuminates to give you professional results, even in low light. This means you can always take a great selfie, no matter where you are.

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