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OLX: Building a Community that Wins Together



OLX Philippines introduced its new campaignWin Together, which describes the leading classifieds platform’s DNA as enabler of win-win exchanges within its online community.  

 “OLX today is all about the connections and lifestyle created through the simple act of buying and selling,” explains Giancarlo Bonsel, General Manager of OLX Philippines. Through our platform, we connect people with one another to create value with each transaction and in time, foster relationships that enable a growing, supportive community that wins together.” 

 OLX Chief Marketing Officer Cris Concepcion says, We believe that buying and selling go beyond its practical function.  The exchanges between buyers and sellers create a community where everybody wins.  Within our larger community are smaller communities of like-minded individuals who share passions. It is in our best interest to help these ‘tribes’ grow their own community base as well asencourage entrepreneurship and healthy exchanges with more peopleCollectively, community efforts contribute to a greater goal of promoting sustainability, thereby enabling all stakeholders to win together.

 With a global network in over 45 countries with over 300 million monthly active users, OLX has steadily grown over the last ten years. In the Philippines, OLX receives over 40,000 new listings placed every day. As its local community of active users growsthe platform continues to respond to users’ needs and demands. Through Win Together, OLX aims to connect its promise of efficiency, convenience, and safety with the Filipinos’ desire to lead improved lives.  

 Every day, thousands of Filipinos access OLX to buy and sell goods and cars, find a job, or rent a house. The platform empowers local communities by turning their pre-owned goods into new opportunities. Opportunities take the form of helping more individuals continue their passions, take part in saving the environment, and even contributing to the development of a sustainable and renewable economy. 

 This lifestyle coupled with technology has created a collaborative economy where people share and exchange goods and resources as they create connections and build relationships with one another. We hope that our platform continues to be part of motivating more people to create communities engaging in winning exchanges, adds Bonsel.

 The OLX community’s new mindset is also the centerpiece of the brand’s latest multi-channel campaign. The upbeat television commercial shows how individuals from different walks of life are connected through an exchange which is driven by different personal reasons: a desire to exercise one’s interests, give back to a loved one, or even earn additional income. The people behind these transactions make every exchange successful and worthwhile.  

 To maintain the community’s vibrancy, OLX also plans to create engaging initiatives to facilitate the growth of its home-grown ‘tribes’. “We’re extremely excited for the programs we have planned for the rest of the year. These communities represent what OLX stands for, a platform fuelled by the desire of its users to preserve and extend their passion. It is through engaging these communities that we prove that there is alchemy in the buying and selling at OLX, adds Concepcion.  

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