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No Filtr



In.effable together with The Monastery presents ‘No Filtr’ – Live Bands/ No- Verdrive this Saturday July 11, 2015 at The Monastery.

With performances by Loop, Silingan Ni Felicity, My Dragon Eats Catfood, Eyvind, Foc Fashion and Tony of Drop Decay.

Loop is an indie rock/ pop band that hails from Iligan. Their members include Kim Trinidad on vocals, Gguitars, JPPortado on bass, JC Arkin on drums, Mike Pacalioga on guitars.

The band just released their album, “Flirting with the Universe”, last July 2014. The album had 8 tracks.

Foc Fashion is a progressive indie rock band composed of Mark Sy on vocals & guitars, Erwin Batucan on bass & vocals, Bobby Olvido on guitar, synth & vocals and Miguel Saballa on drums.

The Monastery is at 976 Veteran’s Drive, Lahug Cebu City. Entrance to the event is free.

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