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New Julie’s Bakeshop Opens in Danao Public Terminal



A new Julies Bakeshop outlet opened at the Public Terminal of Danao City last June 24, 2016.  The grand opening day started with the Tita Julie character going around the poblacion in a “recorida”. This was followed by an opening program in front of the new bakeshop. Exciting instant prizes waited customers buying their share of fresh and tasty Julie’s bread products.

Now on it’s 35th Year, Julie’s Bakeshop continues to bring the “Magandang Buhay sa Tinapay” to more Filipinos with the opening of new bakeshops nationwide. With over 400 stores to serve you, Julie’s Bakeshop is open for franchising within and outside the Philippines. For franchise inquiries and presentations, please call Julie’s Franchise Corporation at the mobile hotline no. (0917) 850-4141 or email For more information, please log on to our website: or follow us on our official FB fan page.

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