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Mynimo Launches Second Happy Jobs Fair



What easier way to find a job than through a job fair, where you can just walk through booths that offer jobs, and even have a walk-in interview if given the chance. Thankfully, Mynimo was able to accomplish this with its second Happy Jobs Fair that happened on May 30 at the Cebu Trade Hall in SM, Cebu City.

As early as 9:00AM, applicants found the initiative to be there earlier than 9AM in order that they could apply for a job easier. There were a total of more than 90 companies that were present during the event, one of them being United Health Group and JP Morgan and Chase, one of the top companies in the United States, and Mercedes-Benz Group Services from Germany.

These companies offered selected jobs in the fields of accountancy, airline, tourism, design and media, customer service, technical support, education, production, manufacturing, engineering, architecture, hotel and restaurant management, government and non government work, sports, human resources, information technology, logistics, medical, operations, sales and marketing.

There were also companies that offered jobs overseas, there were heaps of applicants looking forward to that opportunity. These companies also cater to the applicants who have months-years work experience, who are high school graduates and even some companies offer the internship program.
In order to apply for a job during the event, an applicant had to pre-register on the website in order for them to get an easy slot inside the event. They are already given a priority number, and once their priority number is called, they will be allowed to go to the company booths they want to apply to and start applying, maybe even have a walk-in interview if the company allows it. Once the registered applicants enter, they are given a map of where the booths of the companies are located and at the back of the map is a survey that they are required to answer after their job hunting.

There were about 6,000 applicants who registered online for the Happy Jobs Fair. 60% of those who applied are college graduates while 80% of those who applied have work experience. About 61% of the applicants are female whose ages range from 21 to 30 years old.

For those who were not able to register online, there was a proper, huge waiting that allowed the walk-in applicants to sit down and fill out their registration forms and DOLE forms. During the first Happy Jobs Fair that happened last year, sadly there was no waiting area available for the walk-in applicants, and there were more walk-in applicants than registered applicants, the organizers of Mynimo had that problem taken care of. There were also promotional tarpaulins of different companies put inside the waiting area.

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A career talk was given by Mike Godinez, JPMAP Chairperson, where he stated that when applying for a job, one has to always be ready with a Plan B whenever their original plan won’t work, and so on and so forth if Plan B won’t fulfill. He also stated that no one is 100% perfect but “fit” is important when working, as long as one knows how to balance. Even though one is not 100% perfect, one has to watch their strengths and weaknesses and be realistic about it, example being if one cannot speak perfect English he or she will have a hard time working for a call center. One has to apply for a job that fits his or her qualifications. Mr. Godinez also stated to put passion when working, because if it’s applied, it won’t seem like stressful work anymore, but fun work. Mr. Godinez ended his talk by stating “Life is a giant experiment and always be ready.” Nenit Mantabala, Vice President of Virginia Foods Inc. also gave a short talk where she stated two quotes.

As the hours passed by, more applicants filled the convention hall and lines were getting longer, to the point it reached half of the fourth floor. Based on the latest count, there was a total of 6,300 jobs available during the event.

Mynimo Happy Jobs Fair really helped the applicants’ access new jobs easier, even though the wait was worth the sacrifice. With the career talks, hopefully the applicants will apply the lessons in their minds when working and when applying for jobs in the future.

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