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Musugbo Showdown


on presents Musugbo Showdown this October 11, 2015 Sunday at The Monastery.

The event will have the live performances of the Musugbo Top 4 constestants.

FREE ENTRANCE! PEOPLE’S CHOICE = 4,000 PESOS will be awarded to the performer(s) who earn the most votes on OCT 11th.

Here’s how it works:
Buy a beer, get 1 vote.
Buy a bucket, get 4 votes.
Buy a tower, get 10 votes.

The beer is The Monastery’s very own tasty, craft beer, created on-site
smile emoticon. is a bunch of people who wanted to change their world, who had great stories, who wanted to be famous. Just like you, they woke up in the morning with incredible ideas, gameplans, and visions. But because they are just normal people like everyone else, their ability to make major dents in the universe came up… well… a bit lame.

They wondered whether there was a platform that embraced people with a desire to change their world…Sure everyone has some totally awesome ideas…but if you don’t have a totally awesome platform to support your efforts, then who the hell is going to care?

Even if you just went out and made kickass content, there’s a world of other hurdles to slow you down: Advertising, marketing tools, revenue generation. A community of excellence. And, unfortunately, this is where dreams get deferred. Because in this moment, there’s so many great platforms online to do so many great things.

But where’s the platform helping people to change their world?

So, they decided to create a platform that allows everyday people to change their world, tell great stories, and become famous

…they included diverse advertising tools, incredible marketing tools, a revenue model and neatly packaged them in a community of excellence so that you won’t be derailed from your path of awesomeness.

The Monastery is at 976 Veteran’s Drive, Lahug Cebu City.

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