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Monitoring A fever



Colds and flus are an inevitable part of the winter months, but when a child gets sick it can be a stressful time for parents. When a flu hits it’s important to monitor your child for a fever as it can be a sign of something more serious.

Checking for a fever – Placing a hand on a forehead is not the most reliable way to check for a fever. Methods like taking the temperature under the arm, in the mouth or in the ear are more accurate. The Braun ThermoScan Ear Thermometer is the number one brand among doctors for accurate and quick readings.

Taking the temperature – Your child’s temperature should be taken every couple of hours to ensure it isn’t getting worse. If the fever continues to get higher, temperatures should be taken every hour to ensure a trip to the doctor isn’t necessary.

Improving a fever – There are a few at home tricks you can use to improve your child’s fever including placing a cool cloth on their forehead, keeping them hydrated, and ensuring they get lots of rest.

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