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Mobile Travel Photography Tips: Capturing the Perfect Shot



Graphics by ASC

Not everyone has professional cameras, GoPros, and drones or even knows how to use them to their best capability. But we still love to capture the beauty of our travels.

Luckily, our smartphones can still give great photos if we use them well enough. Whether you’re exploring the streets of Manila, the pristine beaches of Boracay, or having a nature trip in Palawan, here are practical tips to help you capture stunning photos with your smartphone:

Clean Your Camera Lens First

Before you take a photo, clean your smartphone lens first. More often than not, there will be smudges and fingerprints on the lens that can distort your photos.

You can use a microfiber cloth or your shirt to wipe it clean. A clean lens takes clearer photos.

Find the Right Angles

Using your phone as a camera is a versatile tool for photography as it is handy and fits in your hand easily. With that in mind, finding the right angles is easier.

You can shoot from a long distance, close, or somewhere in the middle, portrait, or even landscape; it’s up to you. Finding the right angles before taking the shot will help you take a better picture of your subject.

Align Your Photos

Sometimes we forget how important alignment is in a photo. Your smartphone cameras have tools to help you make your photo perfectly straight by using grid overlays.

Grid overlays help you align your shots better, whether you are trying to align the horizon for your photo of the beach or making sure that the vertical alignment of your shot is straight.

Editing Apps Are Your Friend

While smartphones come with built-in editing tools, third-party apps can take your mobile photography to the next level. Apps like VSCO, Snapseed, and Adobe Lightroom offer a wide range of editing features, from adjusting exposure and contrast to adding filters and effects.

Don’t be afraid to play around with different settings until you achieve the look you want. You can also search for tutorials on the internet on how to edit your photos.

With the help of these tips, you’ll be able to take better photos of your travels. So, seize the moment, capture the beauty around you, and share your travel memories with the world — one lovely photo at a time. (ASC)





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