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Mayor Mike Rama: The Importance Of A Legacy



The Mayoralty election in Cebu is fast-approaching. Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry held another mayoralty forum to help inform the voters of their valuable choices.

The forum was held at the Marco Polo hotel on April 28. CCCI invited incumbent Mayor Mike Rama to discuss his platforms and business plans once elected into office again. Together with his team, UNA, they plan to help the economic growth of Cebu through being globally competitive, innovative, participatory, sustainable, and having responsible partnerships with the private and public sector.

When asked about his solution to the terrible traffic in Cebu, Rama said there must be discipline. The mayor has already erected skywalks and flyovers and insisted that discipline be instilled in people to follow proper traffic laws.

There must be humility and cooperation between the different sectors to create a lasting legacy, he suggested.

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