Massage Can Do Wonders to Body and Mind
Here’s why you should head to the spa this weekend.
Everybody is plagued with hectic daily schedules, irrespective of your gender, age and profession. Most of us crave a good body massage at the spa but we somehow never seem to manage some time aside.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re young or old, and there’s no reason why getting massage should be lifestyle pattern only for the rich and famous or sportsperson.
Several studies have shown that there’s a dramatic decrease of the cortisol or “stress hormone” levels in the body after a good massage session. Higher levels of cortisol are associated not only with stress but also hormonal imbalances along with increase in cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and lower immunity.
Getting a massage reduces hypertension and thereby, blood pressure too.
It makes your body and joints flexible, also improving muscle tone. It can also relieve the tension, soreness and stiffness of the muscles.
Aside from reducing stress levels, massage helps to improve concentration, de-cluttering the mind, and boosts creativity too.
Unable to acquire sound sleep? You can do so by getting a massage as it aids in fostering good sleep. Individuals especially marred by higher levels of anxiety and disturbed sleep should take this cue.
Massage is a great way to feel good because it acts as a mood enhancer.
Did you know that massage also improves elasticity of the skin and stimulates blood flow?