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Malaysian Tourism Openly Invites the Philippines



On June 10, 15 members of the Malaysian delegation came to advertise the various tourist sites and new programs to the local travel industry during the event at the Ballroom Marriott Hotel Cebu.

The Philippines is one of the top ten market for Malaysia and a main focus for Tourism Malaysia- Manila. They invited his Honorable Dato’ Mirza Mohammad Taiyab, Director General of Tourism Malaysia to discuss tourism in both countries as a purpose of economy, mutual understanding and social-well being.


Members of the Malaysian delegation came to advertise the various tourist sites and new programs to the local travel industry during the event at the Ballroom Marriott Hotel Cebu. (Photo by Archie John de Olazo)

In the span of 10 years, the Philippines has grown exponentially because of the Malaysia-Philippines flights which averages more than 10 times daily. Though the beaches and the Taal Volcano here in the Philippines are some of the spots Malaysians look forward to, the 140 year old rainforests and Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia are a rare treat for the Filipinos. One of the reasons Malaysia is the best place to visit is because one can easily drive through Thailand, Indonesia and Brunei, a total of 4 countries including Malaysia.


During the event, a Malaysian song is showcased to express Malaysian culture. (Photo by Archie John de Olazo)

This 2015 is hailed as the Year of Festivals for Malaysia with the theme “Endless Celebrations.” As such, there will be an estimated 200 festivals or events within their calendar. The rise of the popularity of social media has given birth to hashtags and selfies. Using the hashtag #mybffxoxo, people can posts their favorite vacation pictures in Malaysia. Monthly winners are given special prizes from Tourism Malaysia. For the lucky few, the grand prize will be a three days/two night stay in Malaysia for 2.

For inquiries, please visit or like Tara Na Sa Malaysia on Facebook.


A creative Malaysian dance is showcased to welcome the guest and attendees.

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