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Making Long Stays Comfortable and Enjoyable



Graphics by ASC

Traveling for an extended period can be exciting, but over time, it can feel boring, or you feel homesick.

To help you feel at home and enjoy your time away, here are some essential tips to help you enjoy your extended vacation:

Set a Daily Schedule

Having a routine provides structure and comfort. Plan your day with set times for meals, work (if you’re working remotely), exercise, and leisure activities.

Personalize Your Living Space

Bring items that make you feel at home, like family photos, your favorite books, or a cozy blanket. If you’re in a rental or hotel, rearrange the furniture to suit your preferences and needs.

Explore Local Destinations

Find nearby cafes, parks, and malls to incorporate into your routine. Getting to know your surroundings can help you feel more connected and comfortable.

Creating a sense of normalcy can make a huge difference during a long stay. (ASC)





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