Make a Difference

Are You Connected?
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5 (NLT)
Jesus had spent three years with His disciples, and their time together was closing. He told them about His betrayal and death, and they were concerned. He spent time reassuring, comforting, promising the Holy Spirit, and preparing them for the future.
From this moment, Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” He reminded them that, even though He would be absent from their presence, they would be connected to Him through the Holy Spirit. If Jesus is the life (John 14:6), then being connected to Him should bear fruit in their lives.
That fruit would manifest itself through miracles abounding (John 14:12), lives full of joy (John 15:11), answered prayers (John 15:16), love toward one another (John 15:17), and a testimony to the world (John 15:27). In short, when we are connected to Jesus, our lives should look radically different than the world around us.
Jesus gave His disciples the marching orders they would need to proceed in His absence. He warned them of the pitfalls coming their way. Then, He commanded them not to focus on their difficulties but instead to love one another as evidence of His love. We can see in the book of Acts that they took that to heart, and the world was changed because of it.
Our lives become living testimonies to the world when we are connected to Jesus. His power flows through us, and His influence in our lives becomes a draw to a world that is so desperate to know Him. In Matthew 5, Jesus describes us as the salt that preserves the world and a light that can be seen in the darkness of this world.
Throughout this year-long plan, we encourage you to make a difference in the world around you. What that difference looks like is tailor-made by God the Father to make the maximum impact in the lives of people around you.
But this won’t happen unless we begin every day connected to Jesus. Each morning, you should reaffirm your commitment to Jesus by acknowledging Him as the Lord of your life and asking Him to use you to make a difference.
When we are connected to the vine, we will produce much fruit. This year will be incredible as you stay connected to the source of all life, Jesus Christ, and allow Him to produce the fruit our world needs.
Make a Difference:
Start today by affirming your commitment to Jesus Christ. Acknowledge Him as the Lord over your life and ask Him to use you to make a difference in the lives of people around you.
As You Read:
Start strong! Read, reflect, and pray. Every seven days, you will see a devotional from one of our Pastors. As we talk about making a difference, you’ll note a common thread is Jesus. Of course! He’s done so much in our lives. As we connect with different parts of scripture, see how those threads of what Jesus has done tie into what you’re reading.
This devotional by Peoples Church is available at (MCN)