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Listahanan sa DSWD: Tuloy ang Pagbabago



Listahanan or otherwise known as the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) was spearheaded by the Department of Social Welfare and Development to survey the people living below the poverty line.

On the Listahanan seminar held last June 27 at the Cebu Parklane International Hotel, members of the DSWD discussed the issues of poverty and brought to light just how bad the condition of the impoverished were.

2, 164, 745 individuals or 385, 534 household are poor. 17% of the poor households have the outer walls of their houses made with strong materials while 60% of them do not. 28% or 108, 955 do not have access to electricity. 42% or 161, 499 do not have access to safe water source. 46% or 175, 935 do not have sanitary toilet facility.

Ironically, the top 3 major assets of poor households are cellular phones (60%), television (41%) and radio (30%).

The reasons behind this spike in poverty are the calamities from Yolanda and the succeeding earthquakes, wider coverage of the survey, the poor people finally agreeing to be interviewed and an increase in population.

Through this survey, the government will know where and to whom to allocate the necessary resources to help alleviate the poor household’s economic status.

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