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Justin Bieber To Have Mobile Gym On Tour



Pop star Justin Bieber will be able to workout on his own private “gym bus” on his “Purpose World Tour”.

The “Sorry” hitmaker is set to embark on his mammoth run of shows on March 9, 2016, in Seattle, and will be on the road till November, reported Female First.

“I will be touring on a bus. It’s a different vibe, I don’t mind it. I have a studio bus and a workout bus, it’s just a big gym.”

The benefit of having a gym bus is that if Bieber wants to take a break from his fitness regime he can.

However, the 21-year-old singer doesn’t plan on pushing himself to hard working out because he finds going on tour “more lenient” as he can pretty much “party and sleep” his way through it.

“On tour it’s more lenient, I can bring friends (on tour) and party and sleep all day. It’s better. (PNA/PTI) RMA/SSC

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