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Personal Finance

Is Paying in Installments Better Than Cash?



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The age-old debate of whether to pay in cash or installments continues to be a hot debate. While both options have their merits, understanding the underlying principles can help you make an informed decision.

The Value of Money Over Time

One crucial factor to consider is the time value of money. The PHP20,000 you pay today is not equivalent to the PHP20,000 you’ll pay in the future.

Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time. This means that the value of the PHP20,000 you spend on installments today will be more than the PHP20,000 you will pay in the future.

Interest Rates and Additional Costs

When you opt for installment plans, you’re essentially borrowing money. This often involves paying interest on the borrowed amount.

Depending on the interest rate, the total cost of the item can significantly exceed its cash price.

Furthermore, some installment plans may include processing fees or other charges that can add to the overall cost.

While installment plans can be convenient, it’s essential to consider the long-term financial implications. If you have the funds available, paying in cash can save you money on interest and other charges.

However, if you need to spread out the payments over time, carefully evaluate the interest rate and any additional fees associated with the installment plan.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your financial situation, the item you’re purchasing, and your individual preferences. (GFB)

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