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Independence Day Advance Screening at the SM Seaside



3 days before the screening of the Independence Day: Resurgence on June 24, winners of the SM Cinema online contest and participants of the Magic School Busk by radio station 92.3 were treated to an advance screening of the movie at SM Seaside.

The Independence Day: Resurgence is a sequel to the 1996 blockbuster hit Independence Day directed by Roland Emmerich. The first film ushered in the era of Hollywood’s excessive competition to upend movies. A forerunner of the modern blockbuster era, this film featured astounding graphics for its time and an impressive musical score. Not only that, Independence Day was the 51st highest grossing film of all time.

Independence Day: Resurgence is set 20 years after the initial alien attack on the planet Earth. The planet has enjoyed a time of mythical peace wherein nations set aside their ‘petty differences’ and created a utopia. Alien technologies left over from the previous war were studied, took apart and used for the good of mankind. It allowed human-made bases to be erected on the moon and other planets.

Unexpectedly, a foreign sphere appears out of nowhere at the lunar base. The men stationed at the base attacked it with the approval of the world leaders. A celebration of the successful attack followed suit. However, unconvinced that the sphere was hostile, scientist David Levinson and pilot Lt. Jake Morrison survey the wreckage and brought the sphere back to earth.

In the middle of the celebration on earth, an even larger alien ship has threatened to harvest the Earth’s core for fuel. Captain Steven Hiller is presumed dead and his son, Captain Dylan Hiller leads another set of young heroes into saving the world. Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, and Judd Hirsch resume their old roles and join in the fight against the aliens once more.

Catch the premiere of Independence Day: Resurgence on June 24 at SM malls nationwide.

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