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ICYMI: Instagram Is Testing Unskippable Ads, Yikes



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Instagram is currently testing a new ad format that prevents users from skipping for a few seconds. This functionality is similar to unskippable ads found on YouTube.

Currently, users can scroll past advertisements displayed on their Instagram feeds, Stories, and Reels. However, the new trial feature, called “ad break,” forces users to wait until a timer counts down before they can resume regular scrolling.

Screenshots circulating online show the timer counting down to zero, after which users regain control. Clicking for more information reveals a message stating, “Sometimes you may need to view an ad before you can keep browsing.”

Meta, the parent company of Instagram, confirmed the existence of the trial. In a statement to Business Insider, Meta said “We’re always testing formats that can drive value for advertisers,” adding that they will push updates and announce them should there be any product changes.

The impact of unskippable ads on user experience remains to be seen. While this format might benefit advertisers, some users have expressed dissatisfaction.

On the social media platform Threads, one user criticized the move as “unreasonable” and a tactic to “aggressively push” for more advertising revenue for Meta.

Meanwhile, others have threatened to boycott the platform entirely.

Meta isn’t the first tech giant to implement unskippable ads. YouTube employs a similar strategy, forcing users who don’t subscribe to their premium service to watch non-skippable ads before, during, or after videos.

Moreover, YouTube also employs bumper ads, shorter promotional videos lasting up to six seconds that are also unskippable.

For those who do not subscribe to YouTube Premium but have ad blockers installed on their browsers, Google is also on the hunt to stop ad blockers on the platform. (GFB)






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