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HyperCebu: Summer Party for a Cause



First and foremost, the buying capacity of the rich is astounding. Whatever fancies their whim and whenever they crave anything, they have the capacity to satisfy it. However, the problem is where do they spend their money in?

HyperCebu is a non-profit organization that is run by volunteers with the goal to form an event that combines the different passions of Cebuanos -food, fashion, technology, music, travel, fitness and leadership. Half of the monetary proceeds go to iLearner Cebu and the other half is saved for future events.

Matthew Basabe, founder of HyperCebu and a charity advocate saw the gap between those who have and spend it in parties, and those who don’t that scrape to get by. An avid party-fanatic, he decided to blend in two of his favorite things: partying and charity.

“It was a coffee-shop idea,” he said as he explained how he conceptualize about these past Hyper events. Last year, he launched an event poster with the slogan “Are you Hyper, Cebu?” Unexpectedly, it spread on the social media like wildfire.

There were inquiries and he knew he had to take responsibility. He pitched the idea to Junior Chamber International Philippines (JCI). Fortunately, they supported the idea. Armed with 6 volunteers on their first event last May 31- June 1 2014, it became a hit. It gathered 3,800 people with another 2000 people waiting outside the gates.

It went on for 36 hours. Their next event was HyperHalloween at Park Mall, Mandaue last October 2014. With 200 volunteers under him, the event gathered 5,000 people. Because of the growing number of volunteers, he decided to screen and train them accordingly. A Leadership Program for Hyper Ambassadors (ALPHA) was formed. Out from the 200 volunteers, he retained 63 only. During this year’s event, there were 13 DJs, 23-24 vendors of the HyperBazaar, and 100 people comprising of bands along with the volunteers.

Now, Hyper became synonymous with outrageous raves and parties. However, they decided that HyperCebu was their last party-event for this year and plan to focus on charity, community and leadership programs. They plan to develop ALPHA as a branch under Hyper with the hopes of having a Hyper Leader’s Congress on August. Though they still intend to have future events, the desire to impact society in a positive way remains top of their list.

For further inquiries, please follow them on Facebook at Hyper Cebu or email them at


Booths at the Hyper-Bazaar.

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