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How to Stay Fit as a Corporate Employee



Unlike those who have flexible jobs and schedules, the life of a corporate employee is chained to the company’s time table. But does this mean that corporate employees don’t have any freedom to get fit and stay fit? Today, Health Me Up is looking at how a 9 to 9 corporate employee can stay fit despite working long hours.

One of the good things about corporate jobs is that they are consistent on the most part. It is easier to have an eating plan and a fitness routine if you work hours that are more or less fixed and you have a daily routine in place. Here are some ways to stay healthy as a corporate employee.

Let’s begin with three crucial eating habits for the corporate employee:

Pack a lunch, eat healthy and save money – Nothing substitutes a good salad or a wholesome meal from home! Plus you can always change your favorite recipe by substituting in different type of nuts and berries. Tip: Put your dressing in a separate small container so that your salad doesn’t get soggy by the time you get to it.

Pack small meals for the entire day – Pack nuts, dried fruit, fruits, and biscuits. If you take one or some of these items with you everyday, it will stop you from ordering unhealthy, oily food from your office canteen, or fast-food restaurant next door.

Make sure you carry a water bottle – Keeping water handy is a really smart idea. Sometimes, if you’re working, you’ll just forget to drink water for long periods of time. Also sipping on water when you need something to eat just because of boredom or compulsive snacking is a good way to avoid junk food.

How can a corporate employee stay fit with exercise?

Staying fit is not as hard as it seems. All you need to do is decide which days and what slot in the day you are going to dedicate to the gym. Once you decide on that (fitting it neatly into your busy schedule) here are some pointers on how to stay active throughout your work day.

Wireless headset – If a big part of your day is spent on the phone, get a wireless headset and make a habit of walking while you talk. You may not think that it is a workout, but even simple movements can make a huge difference rather than just sitting in one place. So why not maximize the time you have, to simply walk around?

Join a weekend sports league or a weekend class – This is a great way to satisfy your inner need to play, exercise, get some vitamin D. By joining a league, you create a commitment to others and are more likely to honor that commitment. By joining a dance class over weekends, you will have fun as well as work on your fitness.

Above all, don’t be afraid to ask your employer about fitness avenues open to you as an employee of that company. Surprisingly many companies provide for gym membership discounts and facilities – all you have to do is ask.

Time management is equally important for a corporate employee. Ask yourself – do you really need to waste that extra hour in the office canteen just catching up on office gossip? Or that extra hour in the coffee shop on your way home? Prioritize well and you’ll find that staying fit as a corporate employee isn’t as tough as you first thought.


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