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How to Make Your Office Space Feel a Bit Like Home



Graphics by ASC

Did you know that a big chunk of your waking hours is spent at the office rather than at home? That’s why it’s important to make your office space as homey as possible.

The benefits of doing this are good for you, it enhances your creativity, productivity, comfort, and overall well-being. Here are some things you should add to make your office feel like home:

Photos of Family, Friends, or Pets

Display photos of family, friends, or pets to keep their presence close and remind you of happy moments, using decorative frames or a small photo album to organize them.

Favorite Personal Items

Bring personal comfort items, like a favorite pillow or blanket, and include meaningful keepsakes such as souvenirs, awards, or gifts from loved ones.

Artwork and Decor

Hang artwork or posters that inspire you, and add small decorative pieces that showcase your personality, like figurines, vases, or sculptures.

It’s quite ironic that we often spend more time in the office than at home. However, making our small office space feel a bit more like home can make those long working hours more bearable and enjoyable. (ASC)






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