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How To Do a Self-Breast Exam



Breast cancer can be a prolonged and difficult battle. Once in remission, having to think about the possibility of recurrence can be a painful process. However, in order to prevent relapse, it is important to maintain breast health for the best possible outcome. RCA Diagnostics notes that the possibility of recurrence is common among breast cancer survivors, but with the right steps, getting to know your breasts again can help save your life.

Following treatment, a woman’s breasts will invariably feel and look different. Self-screening can be a frustrating process for many, and it can at times be scary. Getting to know your body again will aid in the healing process and help to detect any early signs that cancer might return. Through self-assessment, women will be able to get to know the new formation of their breasts and understand how to find lumps, bumps and abnormalities.

Changes to look for include:

• Dimpling of the skin;

• Discharge from the nipple;

• Lumps;

• Rashes on the breast.

RCA also recommends looking for the following additional signs that could signal recurrence:

• Bone pain;

• Chest pain;

• Abdominal pain;

• Shortness of breath;

• Persistent headaches and coughing.

In addition to self-screening, counselling following treatment, continuing to utilize diagnostic services including ultrasounds and women’s imaging, as well as following a routine of daily exercise and a healthy lifestyle can also aid in recovery.

RCA Diagnostics offers women’s imaging that provides a wide range of medical imaging services at clinics across western Canada. More information about breast health and screenings is available at

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