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How to Deal with the Peel



When you’re out in the sun, you may get yourself burned. And then a few days later, you find itchy, peeling skin. Peeling skin is not only unattractive, it can also be quite painful. There are simple ways to deel with the peel.

Cool it down. If you notice the peeling skin, the first thing to do is to take a cold shower or bath.

Cold water helps your skin cool down and slow the peeling process. Be sure to pat dry your skin with a clean, soft towel. Avoid rubbing because this can speed up and spread the peeling.

Stop the itch. Stop yourself from scratching your skin when it’s peeling. Doing so may cause permanent damage by forming scars on your skin. If there’s an itch, the best tip is to use ice to dull the sensation. Put ice in a piece of soft cloth and gently place the cloth on top of the area that’s itchy. You will learn to resist the urge to scratch once the itch subsides and the ice begins to cool down the skin.

Moisturize. It’s always good to moisturize after you get out of the shower. Use a moisturizing lotion specifically designed to work on sunburned or peeling skin. Ideally, the lotion you’ll use contains aloe vera. Aloe vera is a natural cactus extract that has long been hailed for its soothing properties. Another option is to pure aloe vera gel or if you have the plant, break it open and directly apply it to the peeling skin. This aids healing, fights pain and avoids infection.

Drink up.  Skin is healthy once it’s hydrated and nothing helps your skin as much as a tall glass of water. When your skin is damaged, water becomes more important. Drink a lot of water to give your skin all the fuel it needs to repair and revive itself. Be sure to drink eight to 10 glasses of water per day.

Don’t peel it! It’s more than just irritating and unattractive skin. Flaky, peeling skin can also lead to an infection if you scratch or try to forcefully peel the skin off. Segments of dry skin hanging off aren’t supposed to be removed, even if it’s tempting. Instead, grab a small pair of scissors and carefully cut away sections of skin. Only cut away dead skin and don’t tear skin that’s trying to heal. Once you cut away the dead skin, apply an antibacterial ointment to the area.

Prevent scarring. Reduce the itch by taking a cool bath containing collodial oatmeal. You may find this fine oatmeal in your nearby pharmacy. Also, taking antioxidant supplements like vitamin C and vitamin E help in preventing scarring, promotes healing and reduces long-term skin damage. You may also apply a topical vitamin E cream to reduce the chances of scarring.

Remember to be prepared because prevention is the best cure for peeling. Before you enjoy the sun, always wear sunscreen to protect your skin. If you’re going into the water, be sure to re-apply sunscreen each time you get out. When applying sunscreen, don’t miss hidden areas such as behind your ears which are often forgotten and may end up burned.


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