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How to Create the Ultimate Home Entertainment Experience



Here are a few tips to creating the perfect space that encompasses sophisticated style and trend-setting technology:

Inspiration: Find your inspiration for the perfect entertainment experience. Be resourceful, innovative and creative by exploring possibilities through artwork, décor magazines and blogs. This will ensure that your space is unique and at the same time is a reflection of what you love.

Find the right space: Create a chic entertainment center that is inclusive and practical. Knowing the specs of the space and setting up the furniture to create a focal point around key items, such as the TV, the coffee table and sound system are strategic ways to create a picture-perfect entertainment area.

Screen Size Matters: The TV often brings together guests and family. If you are looking for a truly immersive experience, try a larger screen like a 79- or 84-inch set. If your space isn’t large enough to handle that screen go with a smaller scale but higher quality set, like the 55-inch LG Electronics model called the Curved OLED TV. The curved screen delivers bolder, sharper and brighter images with cinema 3D capabilities, so there’s never a bad seat in the house.

Lighting: Lighting is an important piece of the puzzle – carefully consider TV and seating placement to ensure that there is no annoying glare or reflections while you are watching.

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