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How To Choose The Best Probiotic



Probiotics are often called “good” or “helpful” bacteria because they aid in keeping your gut healthy. Probiotic supplements can be a great way to keep your digestive system happy but with the growing number of products on the market it can be difficult to choose one that best suits your individual needs. Registered dietitian Desiree Nielsen shares the following pieces of advice on what to look for when selecting a probiotic supplement that will work best.

1. Strength. Probiotics are measured in CFUs (Colony Forming Units). You want to find a probiotic with a range that specifically fits your digestion. Look for a bacterial count (CFU) of at least 10 billion per dose, anything less may not have an impact.

2. Ingredients. The diversity of strains is vital for picking a probiotic. Choose a product that contains human strain bacteria for maximum efficacy.

3. Storage. Look for a refrigerated product to ensure the stability of the bacteria.

4. Format. Select a brand that offers a variety of formats and flavors to meet your needs, such as Bio-K+, that offers gluten free pills or drinkable formats in flavours such as vanilla or strawberry or a vegan option.

5. Results. Look for a probiotic that is clinically proven, doctor-recommended and approved.

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