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How to Catch Up on Work After Being Sick



Graphics by ASC

Getting sick can leave you unable to work, and while rest is necessary for recovery, the workload doesn’t stop. Once you’re feeling better, catching up can feel overwhelming. The good news is that there are ways to manage it without burning yourself out.

Here are three steps to help you get back on track:

Prioritize Tasks

Not all tasks need to be done immediately. Start by listing everything that needs attention. Identify what is urgent and what can wait. Focusing on the most important tasks first prevents unnecessary stress and helps you regain control of your workload.

Create a Manageable Plan

Jumping straight into a full workload can be exhausting, especially after being sick. Instead of trying to do everything at once, break tasks into smaller steps. Set realistic goals for each day so you can work efficiently without overloading yourself.

Ask for Help if Needed

If work has piled up beyond what you can handle alone, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Delegating some tasks or requesting deadline extensions can make it easier to catch up without feeling overwhelmed.

Bonus Tip: Take Care of Yourself

Getting back to work is important, but so is staying healthy. If you push yourself too hard, you might get sick again. Take short breaks, stay hydrated, and avoid overworking to keep your energy levels up.

Health always comes first. If you’re feeling unwell, rest, take your medication, or see a doctor. Once you recover, getting back on track will be easier with these steps. By staying organized and working at a steady pace, you can catch up and finish your tasks without added stress. (ASC)

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