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How the Beautiful Aurora Borealis Are Formed



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The Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, is a natural phenomenon found in the polar regions of the Earth. Northern lights are common during the winter months, sometimes in the summer but very rare. They are common in places like Canada, Alaska in USA, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia, and in Greenland.

The Aurora Borealis occurs when charged particles from the Sun interact with the Earth’s magnetosphere and atmosphere.

As these particles enter the atmosphere, they cause atoms to become ionized and excited. When the electrons in these atoms return to their original energy states, they emit light, producing the colors of the Northern Lights. This cosmic dance of charged particles and atmospheric gases creates a breathtaking light show in the sky.

With the Sun approaching the most active period of its 11-year solar cycle, namely solar maximum, can cause more widespread occurrence of the northern lights in the other parts of the world.

During the solar maximum phase, the Sun experiences more frequent and intense solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), solar storms, and other solar phenomena.

CMEs are what create these auroral displays on Earth. With the right intensity and it hits at night, we will be able to see cosmic light shows in our backyard — though the chances of it happening are slim but not impossible.

However, some of these solar activities may harm us. This is what happened in 1859. Known as the Carrington Event, it was the most intense geomagnetic storm ever recorded on Earth. It peaked from September 1 to 2, which was reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in telegraph stations around the world.

What caused this? Because of the intense electromagnetic burst caused by the geomagnetic storm, it fried electrical components. Imagine if it were to happen now. Massive blackouts will happen, communications will be down, and satellites will be damaged.

Luckily, the chances of it happening again are very slim and we are very well protected by our magnetosphere. (ASC)

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