How Much Worth?
How much money should I give to the Lord?
“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best parts of everything your land produces.” Proverbs 3:9
“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse…If you do,” says the Lord Almighty, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Let me prove it to you!” Malachi 3:10
Old Testament law in the Bible made it clear that God wanted His people to tithe—to give him the first tenth of their income to demonstrate obedience and trust that He would provide for them. When Jesus came, He made it clear that He loves a cheerful giver. This means that He loves a generous heart. Whatever amount, you should honor the Lord with your wealth with all your heart, so that His work on earth can boldly continue. God promises to bless us lavishly if we do this.
“You must each make up your own mind as to how much you should give. Don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves the person who gives cheerfully.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
“Whatever measure you use in giving—large or small—it will be used to measure what is given back to you.” Luke 6:38
Source: One Year Mini for Women