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Hello, You! Ep Album Launching



Chainzaw Records presents Hello, You! Ep Album Launching by Constellation Drive this October 9, 2015 8:00pm at Besty’s Bar.

The event will also have performances from the Difficult Stranger, Cosmic Kid, The Carousel, Gummy Green Worms and Modern Junkies.

Chainzaw records is a Cebu-based independent record label that caters to the punk, pop-punk, and hardcore genre. It is an independent record label and production based in Cebu City, Philippines that vows to keep the flames of passionate rock ‘n roll alive and well!

The record production current line-up includes bands like Zide Effect, The Difficult Stranger, The Carousel, Constellation Drive, Gummy Green Worms, Kersley Potter, Cosmic Kid, Haymaker, The Stray Adventure, Struggle Time and the The Crisis.

They also have S.R.A. bands Rogue Tampax, Deviants and Minority Blocks under their wing.

Entrance fee is P100.00. Besty’s Bar is located at N. Escario, Cebu City, Philippines.

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